Tuesday, March 01, 2005

It's Getting Hot In Here

So I was working on my computer from the comfy recliner when I
noticed I was running low on battery power. So, like any normal person,
I came back in to my office to plug in my laptop and give it some
juice. At this point I noticed the cable was really warm and an odd
look came over my face as it began to spark! Doing the smart thing I
reached down to unplug it from the powerstrip as I witnessed it
literally catch fire... yes there were flames! MMMhmmmmm... it caught
fire!!! Once unplugged I blew the fire out and enjoyed the lovely
stench of electrical burning and then pondered how I was going to finish my work when I have a dead battery and no means
of recharging.

Guess I'm getting that 80.00 replacement cable a little sooner than I

Good gravy!!! Can you believe that???

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