Saturday, August 27, 2005

Spoof This!

There's nothing quite like figuring out that someone is spoofing one of your email addresses to send spam. The only thing that tops it is to find out that they're a titty site out of Moscow and there probably isn't a damn thing I can do about it legally. What sucks for them is I'm a geek and was able to find all of their information in which to plan my retaliatory attack. Mess with MY email will you... MUAHAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Me? Evasive?

Those of you who know me, know I'm a stickler about giving out my personal information. Hell, I've even had a friend dub me as "Miss Evasive". My last name cannot be found on any document on line. My address is top secret but to those I've come to trust. You do not get my email address unless I'm sure you're not a stalker. And I'm practiced at the art of question avoidance. You get the idea. Maybe I take it to extremes, but a gal's gotta be careful. And then I come across something like this...PLEASE be sure to click on the Social Security Card link.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

So I'm going to let my dog out last night, and as I open the garage door, in hops this cute-as-hell toad. I'm freaking out because... well come on... he needs to be outside, not in my kitchen!!! So I try to catch him. I'm on my hands and knees chasing after this sucker on my kitchen floor hoping it doesn't make a break for under the stove or the fridge. I finally grab him and he jumps out of my hands onto the counter top. I'm squeeling... "No no... get back here", as I grab it again. He's kicking at me for all he's worth and I'm talking to him like he understands--"I'm sorry little toadie, but you can't be in here!" I finally get him outside and set him on the ground and yes, of course, HE PEED on my HAND. Nice! And I submit to you: How can ANYONE call me a girlie girl?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Don't Deny Thine Self

I just bought myself a gift... For no reason other than I WANT! I WANT! I WANT! Credit card bill be damned!

It's a Guinness ring bayyybeee! Made from an actual can!  YES!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


I'm an angel...

With clip on wings.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'm Inspired...

I just watched this fabulous documentary conducted by Roseanna Arquette called Searching for Debra Winger. The gist of the documentary, at the heart of it, is Roseanna's own personal search to understand being a woman who is "growing up" and/or "becoming mature" in the world of acting. What makes some actresses decide to hang up their hats, what type of fallacies are there, rivalries, expectations both of self and by the media/public, those things that are inflicted upon women--especially those behind the camera (must stay thin, look young, no bags, no wrinkles...), how to react to these expectations, sisterhood, heroes, accepting oneself, and simply put, a bunch of incredible women discussing the ups and downs of being creative women.