Thursday, August 18, 2005

So I'm going to let my dog out last night, and as I open the garage door, in hops this cute-as-hell toad. I'm freaking out because... well come on... he needs to be outside, not in my kitchen!!! So I try to catch him. I'm on my hands and knees chasing after this sucker on my kitchen floor hoping it doesn't make a break for under the stove or the fridge. I finally grab him and he jumps out of my hands onto the counter top. I'm squeeling... "No no... get back here", as I grab it again. He's kicking at me for all he's worth and I'm talking to him like he understands--"I'm sorry little toadie, but you can't be in here!" I finally get him outside and set him on the ground and yes, of course, HE PEED on my HAND. Nice! And I submit to you: How can ANYONE call me a girlie girl?

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