Tuesday, February 18, 2003

You Know You're Really A Geek When...

I had a dream the other night that I was hanging out with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and they were teaching me this new high speed programming language that was going to revolutionize the computer industry.

Hey, you have your heroes and I have mine!

I think I’ll refrain from describing the dream I had where all I could see was the screen of my computer monitor and billions of lines of html code that I was apparently typing out…

Link Of The Week: http://www.woz.org/.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Question and Answer With Kimmie:

Q: If you could die and come back as anyone you wanted, who would you be?

A: "I'd be Bill Gates. But I'd be a woman. And I'd use my powers for good instead of evil."