Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Proof that Bikers are Respectful

Cristy and I have always said that we feel safer in a room full of bikers, or at the local biker bar than we do in a room fool of seemingly "normal" men. The fact of the matter is... I have never once been pawed, groped, grabbed, pinched, hooted at or otherwise by a Biker. I have never been shown anything but the utmost respect.

Case in point: I was at a club recently (which will remain nameless because the place does not deserve even the slightest of free pimpage) that housed a wide variety of characters. There were your normal every day joes, your yuppies, your rednecks, your token metal head and yes, even a handful of bikers. The music was as varied, a few country songs followed by some old school rock, rounded out with some new rock... Anyway, I, along with my party-mates for the evening, walked into this packed club. We made our way towards the back area and this rather nice biker, in a fairly grand gesture, put out his arm and moved a few folks out of the way so that we could get by. This happened again later with a different biker. Not long after these random acts of kindness, I was standing shoulder to shoulder at the bar attempting to get a drink from the otherwise occupied bartender (too busy dancing to do her job) when this "normal guy" decided to start petting my back. At first I didn't even notice and then he increased his advances and move his hand around to my waist at which point I pivoted on my heel and gave him a death glare to which he responded appropriately -- stepping back with hands in the air. Moments later he began to pull on the length of my hair with his forefinger and thumb and he received a similar glare, causing him to move on to my friend. Later, I was dancing next to a rather aged biker who apparently (I found out later) was appreciative of my dancing, but never once did he make an untoward advance or lewd gesture. Now that my friends is class, and that is why I feel safer in a group of bikers!!! The end!