Saturday, December 31, 2005

Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

Best New Year Wish

Not unlike my Best Christmas Wish (below), I got a call from my baby brother, currently stationed in Iraq. In our own loving style the conversation started like such... "Happy New Year Fugger!" "Happy New Year to you too Fugger!" Hey, he and I get the joke and that's what counts! Miss you "Vlar" be safe!

Monday, December 26, 2005

You Say You Want A Resolution...

A resolution this is NOT. I'm fairly adverse to the concept of New Years Resolutions. It's my stance that if you have to make a resolution to accomplish a goal, it's probably something you should have been doing long before the new year crept up on you--So stop making excuses, get off your tookus and get it done. Another of my reasoning…The simple act of proclamation is generally an automatic set up for failure (unless of course you plan on attending the meetings…"Hello, my name is Kimmie and I'm a blogaholic".) No, this is a simple observation brought on by another year's passage and growing yet another year older. Yeah, yeah, Happy freakin' Birthday to me.

Let me start here, with a premise that I am not one to live my life by the stars, palm reading and/or horoscopes, but I figured I might as well toss it into the mix, no? So, my horoscope indicates that "Personal priorities are important -- you've always known that. But the trick is sorting out what you want from what you need. Fortunately for you, right now you've got the instinct and insight to do just that. Figure out what's essential for you when it comes to relationships, and be flexible on the rest. Not only will that broaden your options, but paradoxically, it will ensure that your standards remain high."

What's really kind of funny here is that I've been going through this "thing"… Who are my true friends? Who can I depend on? I've had a really strange year filled with some not-particularly-wonderful-happenings. As a result, I've come to be reminded that life is too short to waste energy on false friends (not only that but heartbreak in all its forms is a S.O.B). I know this sounds like that sweet-tempered part of me, the gal that gets along with anyone and will have a conversation with a shrub if it's willing to listen, has been killed off. That’s not true. I still entertain the idea of new friends and fostering relationships; I'm just going to be more discerning. It's about quality not quantity. And enriching one another's lives. Ahhh the wonder of reciprocity!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Best Christmas Gift EVER

I just received one of the best Christmas presents EVER. A phone call from my brother in Iraq! How much do I love that the conversation started with him saying "Merry Christmas Fugger!" (In Kevin Style) -- That rocks! Almost felt like he was right here! God I miss him like you can't imagine!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Self Affirmations

She has a friendly face. Her smile brightens up a room.
Always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on.
Supportive even if she doesn’t always agree with you.
Faithful to a fault and ready to take a bullet for those she truly cares about.
She's generous and genuine. She doesn’t know how to tell a lie.
She cries when she's really happy, sad or angry, but is far from being a whiner or a crybaby. She's much tougher than she's given credit for.
Adversity only makes her stronger.
While she doesn't trust easily, if you're lucky enough to get in, you'll find her heart resting tentative on her sleeve. Break it and you'll have to work hard to get back in.
She believes in second chances but will never be your doormat.
Her biggest heartbreaks are deceit, betrayal and game playing.
You don't have to guess what's on her mind. Ask and she'll tell you.
She never makes promises she can't keep.
She lives her life for herself and those close to her, not for what the world might think.
She laughs easily (especially at dumb jokes) and her laughter is contagious.
She's the kind of person that enriches your life.
She is me.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

How to make a Kimmie

5 parts intelligence

1 part crazyiness

3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of lovability and enjoy!

Monday, December 05, 2005

And the hits just keep on coming...

I'm not sure what it is about this time of year. I have quite a few friends that have lost loved ones around Thanksgiving. People seem to go MIA. It's cold and crappy and we're all moody. (Or is that just me and everyone I am close to). And to make things worse, my little brother, who is so much younger than me I look at him almost as a son -- the boy who calls me at least three times a week -- one of my best friends... He just left for Iraq... More worms for me please!

Love Actually

I just got done watching the film "Love Actually" again. It was on when I stopped for a lunch break. I dunno what it is about this movie that get's me... It's just such a great flick. And that little boy Sam looking up at Liam saying "Lets go get the shit kicked out of us by love!" It's just good stuff man!