Monday, January 30, 2006

Casting Shadows

He is a shadow.
Birthed by daylight.
Spread across the mind and heart.
He is illusive.
Drifting in unison with the dawdling time.
An apparition masking a cool grayed surface.

He vanishes with the darkness.
A memory. A whisper.
Yet sustaining light keeps its promise.
He returns with radiance
Casting shadows of his own.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Acceptable Behavior?

I've been all up in my head about this recently and the more I think on it, the more annoyed I become. I would like to know when it became socially acceptable to maul and manhandle a woman. When did sexual assault become appropriate behavior? In the span of three weeks I've had an old guy attempt to grind up on my backside through my clothes on a dance floor in Tampa, and just the other night I had not one, not two, but THREE men, with absolutely no provocation on my part, grab me and smash their lips against mine!

When having conversations with various people about this, I've received everything from analogies that compare men to dogs and women to bologna; That I should wear burlap when I go out; That most people can't handle their liquor; and my favorite -- I shouldn't go out by myself.

All jokes aside, I don’t care how drunk you are--I'm fairly certain somewhere you learned simple manners. You know this is just WRONG! Further, my choice of attire (which was not skanky I assure you) and whether or not I'm attractive and/or arrive to a bar un-escorted, should not equate to my being held responsible for the actions of some obnoxious letches, that given better reaction time on my part would all be undergoing testicle retrieval surgery at this very moment!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Someone to watch over me...

I never realized one person could produce so much snot. My head is stuffy, my ears are plugged and my lungs are wheezing. It's a beautiful site. I attempted to work out yesterday and succeded in nearly passing out on the ellipitcal and smacking myself in the head with a free weight. I was told by Dr. Ryan that I need to rest. Rest is the answer. I realize this, but I've never been much of a lay-about. So when I'm curled up on the sofa with nothing but the "Dead Like Me" DVD series and a box of Kleenex to comfort me, all I can think of is the laundry list of things that need done. And then I feel sorry for myself.

Being independent and all -- and for all intents and purposes living alone most of the time -- I'm not one to ask for help. And I'm too "grown up" to call for my mommy (and even if I did she lives three states away). But damnit! I want someone to run me a hot bath, bring me a cup of tea, deliver my meds with a glass of water and a kiss on the forehead. Someone to wrap me in a warm embrace while I fall blissfully into a cold-med-induced coma. "Someone take care of me!" she whines with a big pouty lip for effect.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bad Idea

I love my family. So when faced with a pseudo slumber party evening of movie watching with my mom and sister, I was all for it--Despite their hacking and coughing. I figured, yeah, I'll probably wind up with this shit... Considering I was sandwiched in the middle of them on the bed... But at the time I just didn't care. Mmm hmmm, I'm currently sneezing, stuffy headed and my body aches. Yeah I'm attempting to put my butt to bed early tonight.
Goodnight world!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mother Ocean

The pungent salty smell is the first to attack the senses, causing an immediate clearing of the mind. Breathing in deeply as the sea air expands the lungs…Exhale to expel the remnants of the city. Soft white sand creeps between toes as the music of crashing waves hints of her serenity. Gulls squawk their song in response while darting away from foamy breaks along the shore. Her mist clings to downy hair and eyelashes like morning dew on blades of grass. She wreaks havoc on my long mane, creating unruly curls while a perfume of brine covers my skin. Answering her call, I dip my feet into her wetness, her breeze tickling my soul. Walking forward submerging feet, then ankles…Shins…Knees…Thighs…Hastily I dive ahead, skimming just under the surface before rolling onto my back beyond reach of the punishing waves. Her density supports me as I float weightless over the continually swelling, saline surface. She claims me with her tender embrace, allowing me to taste of her energy, experiencing her blissful freedom.