Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Year of My Birth

I was going through some old paperwork this morning and I came across this card I got for my Birthday last year (December for those of you wanting to send me prezzies). Based on my personality and values, I think some of this is pretty funny, odd and also interesting:

In the news: Neil Armstrong walks on the moon; Bernadette Devlin (21 year old female w00t w00t!) is elected to British Parliament; Smothers Brothers show is canceled, labeled "too controversial" (pah-lease!); The Saturday Evening Post folds; Woodstock Festival is held (drugs, music, partying and mud...); Pantsuits become acceptable for everyday wear by women (This, I admittedly found surprising!); Senator Kennedy's car plunges off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island killing passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. Large anit-war demonstrations take place.

New to the market: Penthouse founded by Robert Cuccione (Isn't this the first skank porn?); Boeing 747 makes its first flight. The concord makes its maiden voyage (I love airplanes); Yale, Bowdoin and Colgate colleges (pooh-pooh) admit women (w00t w00t!); Arthur Michell establishes the Dance Theater of Harlem.

Value of a Dollar: $189.95 would buy you a stereo (For real!); Eggs were 61 cents a dozen (I grew up eating eggs and soldiers - if you don't know what that is you missed out!); Kodak Instamatic Cameras were $35.00 (I remember those!); and you could buy a car for (US average) $2,280 (holy crap... now TVs go for as much as cars did then!).

Awards: Midnight Cowboy gets Best Picture; Best Actor: John Wayne for True Grit; Best Actress: Maggie Smith for The Prime of Miss Jeane Brodie and 5th Dimension gets the Grammy for Aquarius (That song is synonymous with hippie!).

Music: Rolling Stones release Gimme Shelter. Other Popular musical groups were Led Zeppelin and Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Born to be Wild and Come Together are musical hits. Portnoy's Complaint, The Godfather, The Last of the Red Hot Lovers, The Andromeda Strain and Slaughterhouse-Five are published (Andromeda Strain was crazy stuff!); Easy Rider; Hello Dolly; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Hitchcock's Topaz are showing at the cinema. Broadway's Oh Calcutta! shocks audiences with its frontal nudity (w00t w00t!); Coco, Starring Kathrine Hepburn is on Broadway. Star Trek is off the air after a 3-year run (I admit it, I'm a bit of a trekkie. Though TNG and Patrick Stewart rock my world!); Rembrandt's Self-Portrait sells for $2,256,000 at Christie's In London (This makes me wanna start painting again!).


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'm a Bad Girl...

So I went to see the movie Crash last night. Very intense movie. For those of you that have seen this sucker you know its one of those thing that both surprises and inflames. One of the ladies I was sitting next to during the show is really freaked out by racism (and rightly so) so between the two of us there were quite a few... "Oh my GAWDs", gasps and other such, along with a few quick side comments. This of course resulted in me getting chastised by some stuffy man sitting a few rows back who actually got up out of his seat, walked up to us and said rather sternly "Ladies, do you think you can save the conversation for after the show?" I put on the right amount of contrition and apologized and was quiet for the rest of the show.

Please realize I'm not one to talk through a movie and we weren't being incessant about it, but I suppose I too would have been irritated by my behavior. But, as I said, this movie tends to inflame.

This is what I get for attending a show at a swanky theater that serves wine and cushions your ass with leather seats. Umm hmmm...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Am I THIS big of a geek?

The actors who play Padme Amadala, Darth Sedius and Obi Wan are going to be at a local store this month for a meet and gree and I'm contemplating going... Holy crap... I AM a geek!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


This freaking rocks! 

HABITcky writes "Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, and Robert Heron have gotten together and recorded their first podcast of The Return Of The Screen Savers (ROTSS) It's a 56kbps MP3Pro file weighing in at around 14MB. Join them for 34 minutes of Skyping fun as they discuss driving in the dust, cell phones, Kevin's new webcast, Systm, and the demise of TechTV. They plan to make this a weekly broadcast."