Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'm a Bad Girl...

So I went to see the movie Crash last night. Very intense movie. For those of you that have seen this sucker you know its one of those thing that both surprises and inflames. One of the ladies I was sitting next to during the show is really freaked out by racism (and rightly so) so between the two of us there were quite a few... "Oh my GAWDs", gasps and other such, along with a few quick side comments. This of course resulted in me getting chastised by some stuffy man sitting a few rows back who actually got up out of his seat, walked up to us and said rather sternly "Ladies, do you think you can save the conversation for after the show?" I put on the right amount of contrition and apologized and was quiet for the rest of the show.

Please realize I'm not one to talk through a movie and we weren't being incessant about it, but I suppose I too would have been irritated by my behavior. But, as I said, this movie tends to inflame.

This is what I get for attending a show at a swanky theater that serves wine and cushions your ass with leather seats. Umm hmmm...

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