Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I'm Broke!

Okay so I solved the little "fire" problem I had. While I could have certainly tried splicing and electrical tape on the offending cable, the spot where the cord was frayed and where the fire took place was actually deep into the connector. Granted I did try! Only I didn't like the lovely zapping sound that was still emitting from beneath the electrical tape and really didn't feel like "testing" this on my Mac so I chucked it across the room and resigned myself to the fact that I not only needed to purchase a new one at 80.00 but get the sucker here as fast as possible (fed ex overnight at another 14.00)... This on the cusp of paying over 400.00 in vet bills for my dog and 170.00 in new contact lenses for myself. And we don't want to talk about how sad my tax return is this year. But I wanna know, who did I piss off and why are the computer gnomes freaked out at me that they're causing me so much grief. Is it in the moon, stars, air... Am I the only one experiencing all these weird computer/electronic related problems? Oh and let me finish with this - I hopped into bed last night and put in the second disc of the last season of Angel and my portable DVD player went black on me. I had to jiggle the cord to get it to come back on. Can we all see where this is going to wind up???


Cristy at Living Donor 101 dot com said...

I think what you're forgetting to tell your dear readers is that you had the cord spliced together with SCOTCH tape first!

Kimmie said...

True! But it's all I had at the time to tape it - and the tape isn't what caused the sparking! lol... but yeah wasn't my best choice. But it did work to give me juice for long enough to get some work done before it burst into flames! ;)