Monday, December 04, 2006

'Tis the Dang Season

Around 4 o'clock this morning a trip to the kitchen for a glass of water led to a startling discovery. The Christmas tree had fallen over.

You’re joking right?
Tell me this is a joke!
It's kinda funny if you think about it! Christmas stories for the kids and grandkids...
Tell me this is a joke...

Broken bulbs (Along with the majority of my favorite ornaments.) littered the floor. Bits and pieces of poor teddy (A Christmas cookie ornament I had made long long ago.) were found from the living room far into the kitchen. The area rug was speckled with a glittery array of tiny shards of red, gold and silver bulbs. Wrapped presents--because I was trying to stay far ahead of the game—lay crushed under the tree, some of them having grown soggy from the absorption of water that spilled out from the tree stand.

How the hell?

The glass was swept, the tree set right, and the soggy gifts laid out in such a fashion as to hopefully allow them to dry. "Awww this will eventually be funny... It'll make a great memory..." I'm told.

I’m planning on going to the store to get some more bulbs today – though some would tell me to quit while I’m ahead I’ve decided that this tree will not beat me. You can blow lights, you can topple over, give me your worst. You WILL sit pretty in my living room until at least December 26th damn it! (Makes a mental note to ensure that the alarm system is set up to dial the fire department in the event of fire).

Tis the season to be jolly?

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