Friday, December 01, 2006

And I Thought *I* had Problems!

So I go to take Kelsey in for her blood test to figure out what is going on with her Lysodren levels so we can stop the Thorazine shuffle she's been doing. While waiting for her to be admitted (Yeah this place is like a human clinic I swear!) one of the receptionists decided to impart this little bit of information on me:

"We have a dog in the back that was brought in because he chewed off his penis."
A look of shock quickly appeared on my face. Or more like a look of complete horror. "Are you serious?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes," she said. "The doctor said he's either going to have to do a sex change or put the dog down."
I felt my eyes go *blink* *blink* *blink*
"Wow! That's crazy".

The more I thought about this the more it made me wonder.
What exactly would cause an animal to do this?
Gender confusion?
Is this proof that creatures are born gay in the animal kingdom?
Obviously they're not giving the thing hormone replacement therapy or anything, they won't be constructing a vagina. But will they change the dog's name from Brutus to Babs?

And hey, Isaac Mizrahi has created some damned adorable doggie gowns available at Target! (If they’re into that kind of thing).

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