Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I made a New Year's resolution many years ago to not make New Year's resolutions. Those of you that know me (Or have been around long enough.) Will have already heard my theory on this, which is pretty much as follows: If you have to make a New Year's Resolution, it's something you should have been doing a long time ago so get off your tookus and do it. Don't use New Year's as an excuse. All that does is set you up for failure. You're much more prone to use the Cleveland Browns Super Bowl Theory (Ahhh crap, maybe next year!) (I love the Browns so I'm allowed to say that!)

This "better myself", "better my situation" - It's something you should be thinking about year-round. I know that New Year's has that effect on people, you reflect on the past year and the things you accomplished, and then you find yourself looking to the things you didn't accomplish--And this is a good thing (Provided it doesn't send you into a swirling abyss of depression.) There's nothing wrong with reflecting and refocusing, but don't use New Year's as your reason for doing anything. Take the pressure off and just do it. (Or don't think about it and live in your happy oblivious world... Whatever works for you!) Life is hard enough!

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