Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Bug Whisperer... Or not!

I've been battling fire ants both in and outside of my home. Apparently, due to the unusually warm and dry climes this year, the fire ant population has exploded (Most of them in my yard). After being badly bitten while weeding I decided to be proactive (Two bites caused a large swelling on my arm that lasted for three days and itching that continued for two weeks - and bites on my back and left breast - Crap if I know how they found their way there!) Not being a fan of poisons and their results on amphibious life. (Or the potential hazards to my dog.) I was avoiding this option. But reaching the end of my proverbial rope, I was out of options. After talking myself into using the spreader to treat the entire lawn I come to find swarms of birds in my yard. Upon further inspection I see little inch worms all over the place.

New delimma. If I put the poison down while the birds are feeding on the worms, am I going to wipe out the local bird population? And are the inchworms bad for the lawn? So my next plan of attack - get on line and research the damn worms and the effects of this type of poison on birds (Because this is what ya do). It seems the inchworms are not in any way harmful to my lawn and yes, the poison will probably kill the birds. Damnit! So after a few days - once the birds had moved on to other feeding grounds, I spot treated the lawn. Once this chore was completed I took to straighten up the yard. I pick up the pool cover, which had been errantly cast on the lawn only to find that ants had also decided to move in here. Four new bites... *Sigh*

But wait, we're not done. Today I leaned over while putting away my hoover and immediately felt a sharp pain in my right breast. I jumped up and started yanking at my shirt. No, not a fire ant this time… A wasp! (Let it be known that I'm allergic to bee stings). In response to almost being squashed while I leaned over, it decided to fight back!

I'm avoiding bugs of any kind at the moment!

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