Thursday, June 24, 2004

I fell off a curb...
That was the response I gave my doctor while he inspected my severely pained wrist and hand. "I wish I could say it happened in a glorious manner, but in actuality, I fell... off a curb." He paused, most likely to hold back the laughter, and said "Well, was it at least a spectacular fall?" "Yes, yes it was!" I replied. "And most importantly," he said, "did anyone see you?" "Oh yes! I fell right in front of a trucker who I'm pretty sure got a good laugh at the flurry of flailing legs and hair." "I'm sorry" he says "that's the worst part of it." "Well, I thought, the least he could have done was to stop and see if I was okay!" "Not around here" he quipped (apparently guys are rude in Charlottesville). For my troubles I wound up at the ER for 2 hours waiting to get x-rays only to find out that it was just severely sprained.

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