Thursday, June 24, 2004

Door to Door Kirbys?
Did you know that they still sell vacuums door-to-door? I had no idea! I was a little stunned when this obviously tired and overworked woman showed up at my door at 9:00 at night telling me she'd get paid to show me some cleaning techniques. Having spent most of the evening preparing to take delivery of my furniture and belongings at my new residence, and probably looking like it -- I was in need of a break and, wanting to help the lady out I figured... Let her do her schpiel and get paid. Why not right? I told her off the bat that I wasn't buying anything so hey, I'm not obligated!

Next thing I know she and her supervisor are dragging in this huge box and assembling a Kirby. (Mind you these things are like the best vacuums EVER.) So she did a demo (cleaning a bunch of stuff in my house, including my mattress so I'm not complaining) and the supervisor would pop in here and there to see how she was doing. Near the end of the demonstration the supervisor decided to take over (I thought she was doing a pretty good job so not sure why he dove in) and once finished attempted to sell me the product. I refused and refused, and said I'd consider, despite his attempts at the hard sell. By now it's after 11 and I see them to the door. The supervisor starts to thank me for my time of course, and for allowing them to come in so late. He then proceeds to turn towards me, says "I just have to give you a hug", and pulls me into this firm embrace. I was completely taken off guard! Once they left it occurred to me... That was completely inappropriate!

No really?!?! Sure, all salesmen hug their prospective clients goodbye! Ah-hem...

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