Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Someone please explain to me why I should be subjected to daily SPAM mailings asking me to mortgage off my home -- I live in an apartment!!! What marketing genius started THIS campaign? I guess this is one of the downfalls of free email and since I don't stand behind charging for email, we’re simply forced to suffer through people sending mass emailing willy nilly and hoping they get a bite. What is even more infuriating, my own company recently ran an email ad campaign, which was thoroughly researched and targeted only companies interested in our offer, but resulted in an email account being temporarily blocked. Yet these companies can send SPAM that in no way pertains to me, not include a means of unsubbing, or when you do unsub they don't remove you and instead turn around and sell your address to tons of companies because they've reached a live person at the end of the line!

Even better still are the SPAMs for Viagra? I’m sure you’ve received at least a dozen of these in the last few months. I get them, and I'm obviously NOT a man! I personally believe that their plan is to aggravate you enough that you’re libido becomes affected and you suddenly find yourself in need of their product! I do admit however, I found one sexually related ad so amusing I proceeded to forward it to my cohorts in crime. This thing stated, and I quote "Would you like a bigger Penis?" Well there's a question for the masses! At least I got a giggle out of that one!

Okay, I'm now going back to planning my up coming Nashville trip wherein Cristy and I will decend upon NAMM with a fury. Look out Nashville! We're coming! Not by plane, not by train, but via automobile and "The Dog"!

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