Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm a Junkie

She walks through the airport lounge with a glass of wine in one hand and her laptop balanced in the other. Wireless signal strength 86%…No joy! Continually rescanning the area hoping for enough juice to simply check her mail, she quickly becomes frustrated.

She circles back to where she began.
Check mail.
Connection lost.

"Why am I putting myself through this!?!?" She asks herself, knowing that the answer lies in her withdraws from the last three days of Internet access free living – Not by choice. She wonders how she could possibly feel so cut off from the world while having spent the last seventy-two hours running ragged through one of the most bustling cities in the world. It's official. I'm an Internet junkie. This is what happens when you force everyone in your life to become accustomed to communicating with you through email and/or IM and when you've built an online business. You become dependant and then find yourself in situations such as these...

Teetering on one foot, holding the computer high…
Oh hey I think I just got a 91%!

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