Friday, February 18, 2005


Some of you faithful readers are also fellow nerds. That's what I love about you kids. You know that I have dreams about Steve Jobs, that I think no one tops Patrick Norton in a utilikilt, that I pay homage to Yoshi and his modding abilities and I would run away with Leo Laporte in a minute (if he were not otherwise entangled of course).

So when I found out that Mr. Leo has a podcast, I danced a little jig in my jammies. Hey, I've been working 24/7 on computers and sites these days that I hardly have time to get dressed and shower! So what was my point? Oh yeah - Leo Laporte and his podcast...I was so excited to find this thing!!! I feel back in touch with the old world of TechTV before it became--well, to coin a phrase from my five year old niece who picked up on my brother's foul language--a SUCK FEST! You can tune into Leo and his wonderful words of computer wisdom. Hear his fun jokes and listen in as he interviews Patrick, Yoshi and other equally interesting folks. It's just a whole lot a joy tickling 'round your geeky spots! So check it out. More info on Leo and his world can be found at and for all the gory deets about Siren Rebellion see:

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